Light dishes such as fruit jelly and cool Greek yogurt provide additional nutrition for children on hot days.

Ice cream, watermelon jelly

In addition to main meals, side meals provide additional nutrients for children, especially when children are slow to gain weight or malnourished. Watermelon is rich in water, vitamins A, C and calcium, low in calories, and rich in fiber to help your baby increase energy, is good for the digestive system, and prevents constipation. If parents are looking for cool snacks for their children, watermelon ice cream and jelly are suitable suggestions.

Greek yogurt

A bowl of cold Greek yogurt is a favorite dessert for many children. They contain probiotics, antioxidants, vitamins… which support digestive health and promote immunity.

Compared to regular yogurt, Greek yogurt has twice as much protein. Protein is essential for building muscle mass, immune function and tissue repair. Babies can eat Greek yogurt with fruits like apples, bananas, mangoes, and kiwis.

Fruit and nut butter

Besides the delicious taste and refreshing effect, fruits contain many vitamins, minerals and fiber and are a healthy food source, good for digestion. A healthy intestinal microflora is related to the brain, improves mental health, and supports diabetes prevention.

Nut butters contain protein, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals such as selenium, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin E. Parents let their children eat apples, pears, and mangoes combined with nut butters. Babies can also eat nuts. Almonds, walnuts, peanuts… provide protein, fat, fiber and other nutrients that are good for overall health.


Smoothies are nutritious, delicious, and can take advantage of good sources of fruits and vegetables for your baby. This drink is rich in nutrients, some of which are also high in calories, helping children gain healthy weight. Parents prepare smoothies made from green vegetables (spinach, broccoli) combined with tubers, fruits (mango, pineapple, carrots) and coconut water for the baby. They provide abundant vitamin C, helping to increase the body’s resistance.

Avocados contain good fats and vitamins K and C. Bananas have natural sugars, which are a healthy source of energy. Banana avocado smoothie also provides calories to support children during their development stage.

Peanut butter and banana

Peanut butter has a good amount of protein and healthy fats. Bananas contain potassium, vitamin B6 and abundant fiber. Parents combine peanut butter and bananas into a delicious snack for their children.

By Editor

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