1,000 medicine cabinets for children in highland areas

1,000 medicine cabinets including bandages, topical medications, fever reducers, pain relievers, diarrhea relievers, etc. are placed at preschools and primary schools in highland areas and ethnic minorities, to provide medical support for children. .

“Underdeveloped socio-economic conditions, cultural practices combined with poor infrastructure are the reasons leading to very low access to health care services in ethnic minority areas, especially in ethnic minority areas. children”, said Dr. Mai Xuan Phuong, former Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Communications, Department of Population, at the launch ceremony. Volunteer project Medicine cabinet for childrenMay 24.

United Nations estimates for 2021 show that the mortality index for children under 5 years old in Vietnam is high, when about 19 children die for every 1,000 children under 5 years old. Meanwhile, in Thailand, the mortality index for children under 5 years old is 8, while in developed countries this number is only 1-2.

According to Dr. Phuong, the lack of medical staff, facilities, and equipment; Sterile conditions are not guaranteed; Prognosis and treatment are limited… making it difficult for children to access medical services, the simplest of which is medicine. In addition, cultural practices cause many families to follow traditional healers and shamans for treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to raise awareness for people and at the same time help them have the opportunity to enjoy health care services right in the village.

Doctor Mai Xuan Phuong (second from left) shared at the program. Image: Tien Dat

Ms. Nguyen Thu Thao, representative of the Medicine Cabinet for Children project, also said that the proportion of students receiving primary health care right in school is very low, just over 22 million students, equivalent to 25% of the population. according to Urban Economic statistics in 2022. In particular, schools are still facing difficulties, with insufficient medical equipment and not even medicine cabinets for children. As in Ha Giang, the main schools will be near medical stations or have school health clinics, while schools in villages will not have them. If students are sick, teachers must go to main schools to ask for medicine.

“The image of teachers having to travel dozens of kilometers to ask for a few pills for their students motivated us to take action,” Ms. Thao said, adding that the project brings essential medicine and medical equipment to the communities. school, to protect children’s initial health. In addition to essential medicines, teachers are also given guidance documents and handbooks on some common diseases and instructions on how to use medicines.

The project began implementation in April in Ha Giang with 20 medicine cabinets placed at preschools and elementary schools, then will spread to other provinces. Through the survey, more than 200 schools have registered and requested medicine cabinets. It is expected that this year, 300 medicine cabinets will be brought to schools, and next year the number will be 700.

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