5 dishes women should eat to enhance their physiology

Eating fatty fish rich in omega-3 improves physiology, chocolate promotes the release of endorphin hormones, increasing feelings of happiness.

Healthy habits such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest affect mood and physiology. Below are foods that can enhance female physiological health.

Fatty fish

Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart. A healthy heart helps increase blood flow and sexual desire in women. Omega-3 also has the ability to prevent and improve polycystic ovary syndrome – the cause of hormonal imbalance, contributing to regulating menstruation, thereby reducing vaginal dryness. This nutrient also increases dopamine levels in the brain, stimulates mood, and enhances sex life.


Watermelon contains the amino acid citrulline, which helps relax blood vessels. The fruit has the same effect as viagra by increasing blood flow to the private area. Adding watermelon to meals provides a variety of benefits for the heart, eyes, and immune system.

Amino acids in this summer fruit also reduce fat accumulation in the body. Thanks to that, women maintain a slimmer and more attractive figure in the eyes of their partners.


Eating avocados daily helps increase prolactin levels – an important endocrine hormone that greatly affects the reproductive function of men and women. Avocados are rich in folic acid and vitamin B6, which help improve female physiology. Folic acid pumps energy into the body, while vitamin B6 stabilizes hormones, reduces symptoms such as fatigue and irritability, and elevates mood.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in avocados reduce bad cholesterol, support heart health, and increase blood flow to organs.


A bar of dark chocolate (100 g) with 70-85% cocoa contains 11 g of fiber, rich in iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and selenium. Sweet foods containing phenylethylamine can release endorphins – hormones that increase feelings of happiness, activated by the body during “making love”. Eating chocolate also increases sensitivity and stimulates sensations.

Many biologically active organic compounds in chocolate act as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavanols and catechins. Polyphenols have the ability to reduce bad cholesterol when combined with other foods such as almonds and cocoa. However, you should only eat dark chocolate, limit sweet types, lots of milk, and sugar.


Phytoestrogens and antioxidants in apples stimulate blood flow to the genital area, supporting arousal. Compounds in this fruit also increase lubricant production, thereby improving vaginal dryness.

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