Study: Regular physical activity improves sex quality

According to a new study, regular physical activity not only strengthens the cardiovascular system and muscles, but also improves the quality of sex, writes Haaretz.

“It’s important to remember that sex is another form of physical activity; if you want to enjoy sex, get out of bed as often as possible,” said Debbie Arabinek, director of the Center for the Promotion of Sexual Health at Indiana University.

For those who are satisfied with their sex life, regular exercise can ensure that the body continues to function properly. For those who feel that their sex life could be more satisfying, physical activity can help solve problems such as weak erections, pain during intercourse, or a weakened sex drive.

Cardiovascular health directly impacts sexual health, and not just because sex can sometimes be vigorous and aerobic. According to Debbie Arabinek, the cardiovascular system activates two systems that are critical to sexual relations: erection and vaginal secretions. Both of these systems require good blood circulation to function properly.

In addition, regular physical activity promotes the ability to listen to your body – this healthy habit also helps improve the quality of sex.

By Editor

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