Three victims of the Trung Kinh house fire were discharged from the hospital, one in critical condition

HanoiThree victims of the house fire at the Transport Hospital were discharged this afternoon; The 84-year-old woman transferred to Bach Mai Hospital is still in critical condition.

Three people were discharged from the hospital, including a mother and two children, hospitalized after being rescued from a house fire in Trung Kinh. On the afternoon of May 25, Doctor Bui Sy Tuan Anh, Director of the Transport Hospital, said that doctors examined and assessed that the mother and child were in stable health and discharged them from the hospital.

Thus, out of the 6 people rescued from the fire, three have now been discharged from the hospital, three more serious people continue to be treated.

Three more serious patients, the most serious of whom was an 84-year-old woman, were transferred to the Poison Control Center, Bach Mai Hospital, last night. By this afternoon, the old lady was still in serious condition. Associate Professor Dr. Dao Xuan Co, Director of Bach Mai Hospital, said she had consciousness disorders, skin burns and respiratory tract burns, pneumonia, and respiratory failure. Patients have difficulty breathing glottis, inhaling a lot of coal dust, having metabolic acidosis (blood acidity), and myocardial damage.

The old woman had endoscopy to remove a lot of black sputum dust from her bronchi and lungs. Leading experts diagnosed the patient with CO poisoning, respiratory failure, and prescribed dialysis, mechanical ventilation, and tube feeding.

The old woman is receiving intensive resuscitation treatment at Bach Mai Hospital. Photo: TDuong action

The remaining two patients are a husband and wife, being treated at the Poison Control Center. Both are on oxygen, but are alert and able to communicate with medical staff. Immediately after admission, the patient received an ENT endoscopy, X-rays, tests, fluids, and antibiotics.

Dr. Nguyen Trung Nguyen, Director of the Poison Control Center, said that both patients inhaled a lot of coal dust and smoke and had symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, nausea, metabolic acidosis, coughing up activated charcoal, inflammation. lungs… After one day of intensive treatment, the pneumonia condition has improved, the metabolic acidosis is gone, but continued monitoring is required. In addition to using antidotes, this afternoon the patient received hyperbaric oxygen treatment to prevent late mental and neurological complications.

These 6 people were victims of a fire discovered at 0:30 on May 24, in two houses on a plot of land in alley 119, Trung Kinh street, Cau Giay district. 14 people died in the fire.

But Nga

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