Lose 21 kg a year thanks to the goal setting method

HanoiThuy, 23 years old, lost from 68 kg to 47 kg in one year thanks to the “smart goal” method, which helps her stay motivated.

When she was a second-year student at Foreign Trade University, Le Thu Thuy weighed 68 kg while being less than 1.6 meters tall, “extremely disgusted and self-conscious about her body”. Thuy went to many fashion stores to buy dresses for events, but there was no size that fit her. Her flabby body with a lot of fat also makes her tired quickly and self-conscious at work. Appetite also makes female students not determined enough to lose weight, thinking that their fat body is due to their constitution, so they fail many times.

At the end of 2021, Thuy learned about Smart goals – an effective goal setting method based on 5 criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound (Time limit). She determined her condition by measuring her weight, waist measurements, biceps, limbs, thighs and dishes at each meal. After understanding her body better, she started applying Smart goals as follows:

Specific: Reduce to 47 kg; Measurable (measurement): Lose 1-2kg/month; Achievable (feasible): Instead of forcing herself to lose weight quickly, Thuy chose to lose weight slowly, without creating pressure; Relevant (related): To help the body stay lean, physically healthy, and regain confidence in daily life and work; Time bound: The goal needs to start from the end of 2021, within one year.

Smart goals can meet almost any type of personal or professional goal, including academic achievement, job advancement or weight loss aspirations, according to UPMC Health Beat. By setting clear, specific goals and determining how you will achieve them, you are more likely to stay motivated. Research by the American Psychological Association shows that regularly checking in on your goal progress increases your chances of achieving that goal by nearly 50%.

Thuy when she hasn’t lost weight. Image: Character provided

Having clearly identified the goals and specific implementation time, Thuy felt comfortable starting to follow the 16:8 intermittent fasting method (IF – Intermittent fasting). This is a way of eating according to a fixed time frame, in which the practitioner has 8 hours to eat and the next 16 hours to completely fast. Intermittent fasting cycles can vary from 1-2 times a week to every day depending on personal preference. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine at the end of 2021 showed that intermittent fasting helps reduce stress, reduce the risk of cancer and obesity, increase longevity and support weight loss.

For Thuy, she chose this method because she felt it was suitable for her daily schedule and her body did not feel too constrained or pressured. Female students choose a meal time frame from 12 noon to 8 pm, reduce spices in food, completely eliminate junk food, and prioritize boiled and steamed dishes instead of fried foods. She reduces starch, eats a lot of vegetables, meat and fish, but still ensures adequate supplementation of all nutrient groups.

She also eats in her own order, from vegetables to meat, and finally starch to quickly feel full. This is an effective weight loss method recommended by many nutrition experts. Thuy buys a lot of clean fruits and vegetables, giving priority to fruits such as avocados, bananas, oranges, dragon fruits, pineapples, apples, and green vegetables such as mustard greens and broccoli. In addition, add more vitamins and nut milk to add good fats.

Thuy also tries to control her appetite by eating slowly and chewing thoroughly to stay full longer. When she is hungry, she drinks water and eats fruit. Work is not too busy, so Thuy prioritizes rest, goes to bed early, and does not try to work when her body is tired.

Every week, female students have a “cheat day” – they can eat what they love to get motivated to practice as well as to feel comfortable. Doctor and health coach Phan Thai Tan said cheat day is one of the methods used by professional athletes.

When dieting, you must cut calories. Many people who are just starting to lose weight will find it quite easy, however, the body is very smart, over time it realizes that you take in fewer calories than you burn. To compensate, the body adjusts its metabolism, slowing it down for greater efficiency. By having a cheat day, you will take in calories over a certain period of time, enough to trick your body and bring your metabolism back to optimal levels.

With a neat body, Thuy confidently wears a dress. Image: Character provided

In addition to nutrition, Thuy exercises for an hour a day in the afternoon, alternating with three jogging sessions in the morning. According to Verywellfit, cRunning is an effective way to burn calories in a short period of time, the number of calories you burn while running will vary depending on your body size, speed and duration of running. According to statistics from the American Weight Control Registry, people who successfully lose weight and keep it off need to burn about 2,800 calories per week through planned exercise.

During the process, Thuy did not focus on losing weight but thought about exercising to be healthy, have beautiful skin, increase endurance and relieve stress. After one year, the female student lost 21 kg, from 68 kg to 47 kg. Girls love themselves more, have more job opportunities and have more positive energy. Currently, Thuy continues to share her daily life, tips and motivation to lose weight via social networking sites.

“Successful weight loss is a process. In addition to equipping yourself with knowledge and skills, arranging time, setting goals and scientific methods is extremely necessary. The most important thing is not to rush to give up. “call,” Thuy said.

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