Falling from a height of 6 m, the woman broke her spine

Dak NongMs. Lien, 42 years old, was picking pepper alone in the field when the ladder overturned and she fell from a height of 6 m to the ground, losing consciousness.

Nearly half an hour later, she woke up before calling her relatives to tell the news. She was taken to a hospital in Dak Nong for emergency treatment, then transferred to a hospital in Ho Chi Minh City. The doctor advised Ms. Lien to have spinal surgery, but she refused because she was afraid of paralysis. A day later, her symptoms worsened and she was taken to Tam Anh General Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City.

On May 24, Dr. Huynh Tri Dung, Department of Neurosurgery, Neuroscience Center, said that Ms. Lien was admitted to the hospital with her legs numb and unable to walk. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) results showed that the L2 spine (S32) had multiple fractures of the vertebral body, reducing the height of the vertebral body by nearly 50%. There is a broken fragment located in the L1-2 disc, and there is a broken fragment protruding back into the spinal canal, causing spinal stenosis. The diameter of the spinal canal at the narrowed spot is about 0.6 cm. Subchondral bone fibrosis of the sacroiliac face on both sides, soft tissue edema around the L2 vertebra.

When she fell, Ms. Lien’s back landed first, so no head injury was recorded.

CT scan of Ms. Lien’s fractured and crushed vertebrae causing spinal deformity. Image: Tam Anh General Hospital

Doctors from the Department of Neurosurgery decided to perform percutaneous screw surgery to help stiffen and stabilize the spine. The surgical team uses the C-arm system to locate key locations so that screws can be adjusted and placed without misalignment or misalignment. The doctor then makes an incision in the skin about 2 cm, approaches the location of the broken vertebra, meticulously repositions the structures, and removes the broken pieces. Finally, screw and harden the L1, L2, and L3 vertebrae through the skin.

After surgery, Ms. Lien was alert, had pain relief, and was able to walk after one day. Three days later, the patient recovered well, had no pain and numbness in his legs, and was discharged from the hospital.

Ms. Lien could sit 10 days after surgery. Image: Tam Anh General Hospital

Dr. Dung said injuries caused by falls can be broken back and neck vertebrae, spinal damage, paralysis of the spinal cord, broken spinal cord, broken arms, broken legs, traumatic brain injury, broken coordination… Among Patients hospitalized due to fall injuries, about 30% of patients with spinal injuries require emergency surgery. In many cases, serious injuries such as falling on rocks or falling into wells cause paralysis and require lying down.

Doctors advise people who do climbing work to make sure the ladder is sturdy and have protective equipment to avoid unfortunate falls.

By Editor

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