Benefits of sleeping without a pillow

Sleeping without a pillow can bring many health benefits such as good sleep, less neck strain, reduced stress and headaches.

Many people cannot sleep well without a pillow, but others do not need a pillow to help them sleep better and more comfortably. Whether or not to sleep with a pillow depends on each person’s preference, but the habit of sleeping without a pillow can bring many benefits.

Reduce neck fatigue and headaches: Sleeping without a pillow can keep the head flat against the body, allowing the neck to rest in a neutral position, reducing neck pain, stiffness or back pain. If you regularly wake up in the morning feeling dizzy or have a mild headache, you can try not using your pillow the next night. This habit can reduce neck tension and reduce headaches.

Improve sleep quality: Sleeping position is more natural without pillows, so the spine, back, and neck can rest evenly. The body naturally relaxes and the mind relaxes, helping to sleep deeply and the body recovers better.

Reduce stress: Good sleep is essential for controlling stress levels. Sleeping without a pillow creates psychological relaxation, reduces physical stress, and promotes relaxation.

Limit the formation of wrinkles and acne: Uncleaned pillowcases easily accumulate dirt and oil over time, affecting the skin and causing acne. Sleeping without a pillow can keep your face from rubbing against the pillow surface for long periods of time, reducing the risk of developing acne and wrinkles.

People with arthritis and spinal diseases often experience chronic pain and discomfort so avoid sleeping without a pillow. In these cases, pillows help keep the spine in a neutral position, align the neck with the rest of the body, and support good sleeping posture.

Patients with respiratory problems such as snoring, sleep apnea or cough, nasal congestion, or acid reflux should also sleep on a pillow. Pillows help elevate the head, avoid acid reflux into the esophagus, clear the airways, and reduce symptoms.

To practice sleeping without a pillow, you should gradually reduce the height of the pillow and not immediately remove the pillow for your head. Choose a suitable mattress to give your back enough support, avoid one that is too soft, causing the spine to sag, leading to back pain.

By Editor

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