Will Vienna get a multi-sports hall with a cycling track again?

At a meeting organized by Cycling Austria, the (missing) cycle track was brought up again. “We have designed a concept for a track,” says Cycling Austria President Harald J. Mayer.

Together with concert organizer Barracuda Music and Strabag, there are plans for a multi-sports hall in Vienna with a cycle track, which should also be suitable for concerts. Several locations are said to have already been checked. This is not the St. Marx Hall.

“We need a professional home,” says Mayer. How will this be financed? “Sport Austria President Hans Niessl has already talked about the infrastructure billion.”

The track cyclists are currently training primarily on the velodrome in Slovenia A new city. “And we make sure that they take part in as many international races as possible.”

There will also be a second concept – a hall just for track cyclists. However, this should also be used for training road cyclists. “We strive to create every form of infrastructure that helps the sports associations,” says Sport Austria President Hans Niessl.

From the sports city councilor’s office Peter Hacker However, it says: “We know the plans. However, the concept of a privately operated concert hall with the addition of a cycle track was neither convincing for MA 51 in terms of content nor in terms of costs.”

By Editor

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