How Austria’s handball players prepare for the next effort

All you need is sleep. For Austria’s handball team Was it one short night From Thursday to Friday. The Celebrations after 26:26 against Germanythat for many of the 6,018 spectators In the Steffl Arena like a victory, it took. The players were extremely annoying even one hour after the final siren, fulfilled Photo and autograph requests With patience and joy. Even the German players, with not so good mood, do not avoid contact with the Austrian fans.

ÖHB sports director Patrick foals presented itself proudly. “We all have to enjoy this moment too. The tickets have practically sold by themselves in advance, which is a result of a development. And not a single goes home today. ” It also saw the goalkeeper similar Constantin Möstlwho shone with many parades and then celebrated exuberantly: “That was mentally ill today, it is so much fun. Every cent that was issued today was also worth it. And if we don’t discard 18 balls, we will also win the game. ”

Early day watch

On Friday at 6:15 a.m. you roared to the airport, it went to Hanover, where on Saturday (4.30 p.m. ORF Sport+) The second duel with Germany is on the program as part of the European Championship qualification. What can you expect after the effort of Vienna-Kagran? “That we will go into the game with confidence,” said Sebastian Frimmel, who turned the seven meter nerve -wracked 19 seconds before the end to the seven meter.

Everyone agrees that an almost perfect performance in Hanover is needed to be able to kidnap at least one point. Above all, it takes more efficiency in the end. Tobias WagnerTop scorer and Man of the evening: “If you want to look for a hair in the soup, it is the throwing rate. We will need more consequence in the end. But some of us don’t have 100 caps, so that’s understandable. ”

In any case, Fölser believes in the team: “It is a new game, we certainly don’t go into the game with fear. However, the 10,000 fans are against us in Hanover and not like here for us. That pushed us very much. However, the team deserves such games against the top nations. ”

“Free playing”

Veteran Janko Bozovic Believe in the chance. “The signs are similar, we will get our possibilities. But Germany already has the wider bank. ” Say more opportunities to change and bring fresh forces. Not an inconsiderable factor within 48 hours in two games. Austria has already made an unplanned point against Germany. Elias Kofler: “We will play freely.” At the end of the European Championship qualification for Austria in May to Turkey and Switzerland.

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