Finnish Konsta Kurikka was booked for the new professional baseball series – Urheilu

The new professional series will start operations in the Middle East and Asia in the 2024–2025 season.

In the year Finished his baseball career in Sotkamon Jymy in 2021 Konsta Kurikka will continue his professional career in the related sport of baseball at the new address.

22-year-old Kurikka, who works as a pitcher in baseball, was reserved for the new Baseball United league, which is starting operations in the Middle East and Asia.

Kurikan was booked by the Abu Dhabi Falcons, a club based in the United Arab Emirates, as the 25th player in the league’s booking event. Among the European players, Kurikka was the third highest reservation.

Falconsin as a coach works at the highest level of the sport in the MLB league, who once threw as a pitcher for no less than 15 seasons Dennis Cook. Kurika’s teammates also have MLB experience.

Along with Abu Dhabi, another Arab Emirates club, Dubai Wolves, Mumbai Cobras from India and Karachi Monarchs from Pakistan play in the Baseball United league.

The inaugural season will be played in 2024–25, but before then the league will show itself to the public in a two-part match event played in Dubai on the 24th–25th. November.

By Editor

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