The NHL’s longest consecutive match tube was broken last night – the nearest threatener is so serious with his tube that he only played one substitution in March

Keith Yandle hadn’t had to miss a game since 2009.

NHL:n having played the longest match tube ever Keith Yandlen the record balance was broken in last night’s round. Yandle, 36, did not fit into the Philadelphia Flyers lineup in a match against Toronto and was sidelined from the regular season for the first time since March 2009.

The final length of the Yandle game tube was 989 regular season matches. In the playoffs, he has been out of lineup during his record pipe.

“He took it exactly as you might expect. He is a phenomenal professional and handled it well. Sure, he was disappointed, but that’s what he expects from an experienced athlete and professional, ”said the Flyers coach. Mike Yeo According to the NHL website.

Yandlen career as a record man can be quite short, as the second on the list is the Arizona Phil Kessel. Kessel has 968 matches in total, so the difference is currently 21 matches. The number of games this season is not enough for Kessel to reach the number of games, but the opportunity to do so is at the beginning of next season.

Kessel’s contract expires this season, so he needs to find an employer for next season to keep the chances going.

Kessel has wanted to keep his own game tube running. In the beginning of March he only played one substitution in the match. He then left the hall and headed home. The reason for the special solution was that Kessel returned home to the family to support his wife, who was expecting a child.

Kessel rose to number two later in November, overtaking a player in the series in the 1970s and 80s Doug Jarvisin, who scored 964 matches. Jarvis didn’t miss a single game in his entire NHL career because the total balance of the career is the same in 964 games.

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