Zajec: Jakirović will stay as long as we believe in him

He looked tired and worn out, nowhere near like someone who had just won a new trophy. The turbulent and difficult season in which he was on the verge of being fired several times left its mark on him. He eventually won the double crown with Dynamo but for some even that is not enough and they still doubt him.

In the last few days, there have been rumors in the media that Velimir Zajec to be replaced at the end of the season Sergej Jakirovća. That doesn’t make any sense, especially since Jakir managed to make a deal with Dinamo in a season in which they were behind Hajduk and Rijeka, and even at the beginning of the season they were without Livakovi, Šutal, Ivanušec… In the end, he won title and Cup, but some still question its status.

Rijeka: The meeting between Rijeka and Dinamo in the second match of the SuperSport Croatian Football Cup final |
Photo: Photo: Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

– I don’t know what my plans are for the summer. Now I will focus on myself and some of my decisions. In the coming days, we will talk with the club leaders to see where we are and what we are. I still have a valid contract with Dinamo, two more games. I have to think about what and how to proceed – said Jakirović after the victory against Rijeka in the Cup final.

And what does the one who decides his fate, President Velimir Zajec, say?

– Everyone expected me at the beginning, after some bad things, to come to a change, but I stood by the coach and that’s normal. The coach has our support, he will stay there as long as we believe in him – said Zajec.

Rijeka: Celebration of Dinamo after victory and winning the double crown |
Photo: Photo: Marko Lukunic/PIXSELL

Next season, Dinamo could start the European season in the play-off of the Champions League. This will happen if Real Madrid beat Borussia Dortmund in the final.

– I believe that we will not stop there, that we will strengthen ourselves for Europe. Everything depends on Real, we hope it will end the way we want – said Zajec.

By Editor

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