It is a consensual divorce between Milan and Pioli

Now it’s official: Milan and Stefano Pioli will divorce at the end of the season. Now we need to understand who will be entrusted with the bench of the Rossoneri team. “Milan and Stefano Pioli communicate that they will not continue together next season, intending to interrupt the professional relationship that has linked them since October 2019”, reads the note issued today. “Milan warmly thanks Stefano Pioli and all his staff for leading the First Team in these five years, obtaining a Scudetto that will remain unforgettable and for having brought Milan back to the most important European competitions. Stefano with His professionalism and humanity have been able to enhance the squad and have embodied the fundamental values ​​of the Club from day one”, clarified AC Milan. “Stefano Pioli thanks Milan for the opportunity he had to be part of the history of this glorious Club and expresses profound gratitude towards the owners, managers, team, staff and all the personnel of Milanello and Casa Milan for the support and the great professionalism. The coach addresses a special thought to the many fans who have supported Milan in recent years, demonstrating unconditional attachment”, we finally read in the statement issued today.

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