Copa América is the Brazilian team's attempt to recover

After an accumulation of mistakes and wrong choices by the CBF over the last two decades, the Copa América is the next attempt to recover the Brazilian Team.

The tournament will be played in the United States with the participation of 16 teams and will pay a record prize of R$370 million. Everything indicates that we will have a great Copa América, starting with the choice of the richest country on our continent to host the event.

For a long time I have been advocating the case that South American football should expand its competitions to North America, where the money and prestige of major events in the area of ​​leisure and, obviously, business reside.

Our biggest bet is coach Dorival Júnior, finally a wise and sensible choice to try to rehabilitate the Brazilian team that has won the most cups in the world, but has been going through a declining phase for a long time. Even in the current qualifiers for the next World Cup, the yellow-green team paid a premium to historically inferior teams.

To try to carry out a positive campaign, Dorival Júnior sought to effectively call up players who are in the best physical, technical and psychological shape. The three biggest hopes were Vinicius Junior and Rodrigo, who are delivering an excellent performance at Real Madrid and will once again decide on the Champions League title next Saturday.

The third, Lucas Paquetá, was accused of betting manipulation and could receive a historic punishment from the English Football Association.

The Copa América starts in June and Brazil’s group includes Colombia, Paraguay and Costa Rica, with whom we will debut in Los Angeles, California.

By Editor

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