A Finnish 50-Cubic quantum computer was completed at VTT

Fifty Kubit chandeliers will now be available to companies and researchers.

The abstract is made by artificial intelligence and checked by man.

The VTT State Technological Research Center has completed a 50-cycle quantum computer in Espoo.

The machine is now offered for companies and researchers.

Pekka Pursula, VTT’s Research Manager, says the classic super computer above the machine’s calculation power.

The quantum computer is suitable for e.g. molecular simulations, optimization problems and routes.

With Hanging in Espoo and resembles a chandelier. It has more computing power than a classic super computer.

The VTT State Technological Research Center has completed its own quantum computer and now offers it to companies and researchers.

This is the first 50-cycle-conductive quantum computer made in Europe, says VTT’s research manager at VTT’s quantum technology Pekka Pursula.

Finnish The government issued a budget of EUR 20.7 million in the project in 2020. The challenge was to develop a new kind of quantum computer that did not exist yet.

First, a 5-cyubite machine was completed, which was connected to Finnish researchers in the spring of 2022 via a Lumi-Super computer. The 20 Kubit quantum computer was completed in 2023. It has now been updated to 50-cycle.

The difference in the performance of the versions is enormous as the calculation power increases exponentially with additional bubbles, says Pursula.

Fifty kubs are the limit, after which it is difficult for a classic super computer to perform the same tasks.

Kubitti That is, the quantum bits are an element of a quantum computer that can be compared to a classic computer bit. The bit is always 0 or 1. Kubit can be in both spaces at the same time.

The Kubitis of the VTT machine is a super -conducted circuits with such a feature for the bishop. The pattern is made with different materials, especially aluminum, which is the superficial material of the circuit.

Super conductivity means that the current runs in the circle of loss. To achieve the superconductivity, the machine is used near the absolute zero point, −273 at a degrees Celsius temperature.



VTT’s quantum computer operates within the dome -273 degrees Celsius.

VTT has built a quantum computer together with a Finnish IQM company. At the same time, IQM has developed a 54 Kubit Radiance Quantum computer that it sells to customers.

American IBM’s quantum computer already has hundreds of kubs. Developing your own different machine has been intended to increase Finnish quantum technology and calculation skills, says VTT’s bulletin.

The machine allows users to develop new algorithms and applications for material modeling, simulation and artificial intelligence.

Pursula says that for the pilot use, the 50 Kubit machine has calculated molecular simulation and flow dynamics.

According to him, it is also ideal for solving optimization problems and calculating risks. There is also a very heavy computing for a quantum computer to determine the most profitable routes for goods, ships and aircraft.

The quantum computer is not suitable for everything

  • The power of the quantum computer stems from the fact that its memory can be at the same time in all combinations of ordinary bits.

  • Four -kubit’s work can be done on a home computer, but 50 Kubit power requires a super -computers’ consortium.

  • The quantum computer is able to handle a huge amount of options, but it provides a little information.

  • Therefore, quantum computers are not suitable for anything. Quantum computers are overwhelming in tasks that have a simple answer, but a huge amount of opportunities to go through.

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