Serengeti continues to expand in 2023, it will hire about 20 more people

Since its foundation in 2007, Serengeti has grown organically in terms of revenue, number of employees and level of expertise, and today it is one of the fastest growing Croatian IT companies for software development. This summer they opened a new office in Split and a branch in Sarajevo, and now they have offices in four Croatian cities and counties, as well as their own development offices and centers abroad.

– I believe that we are one of the few domestic companies that achieves growth on several levels at the same time – we are growing territorially, we are growing in terms of the number of employees, the number of clients, projects and revenues. At the moment, we have 200 employees, and we estimate revenues at around HRK 70 million – said the president of the board and founder of the company, Goran Kalanj.

In addition to more than 300 projects, this year they also started working with Planet Payment, one of the largest card companies in the world, for which they are working on several core applications. Intensification of operations on the American market is expected next year as well. Serengeti also announced that in the coming period, it will work intensively on increasing the number of customers on the market of Western Europe and the USA, especially in the financial domain and industrial production.

This implies an increase in the number of employees, which Serengeti will continue with next year, especially in the office in Split and the company in BiH where it plans to employ up to 20 new people in 2023.

By Editor

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