Warzone Mobile lands on iOS and Android

Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile is now available for free for iOS and Android. Its arrival was welcomed with enthusiasm by the global community, as evidenced by the exceeding 50 million pre-registrations even before launch. The game stands out for its rich and varied offering: two large-scale Battle Royale maps, Verdansk and Rebirth Island, which mark the return to the origins and the evolution of the genre, respectively. Verdansk, the map that debuted with Warzone in 2020, returns in mobile format to offer battles for up to 120 players. Likewise, Rebirth Island offers a more frenetic and focused experience, with a Return mode involving 48 players.

Furthermore, there is no shortage of the classic multiplayer modes that have made Call of Duty famous, allowing players to engage in quick and tactical actions across legendary maps such as Shipment, Shoot House and Scrapyard. One of the most innovative aspects of Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile lies in its ability to integrate seamlessly with the console and PC versions of Call of Duty: Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III. Thanks to a shared progression system, players can continue to develop their profile and weapons on any platform. Additionally, Activision ID access ensures that all acquired content is available across all platforms, creating a unified Call of Duty ecosystem.

Compatibility with quality controllers, such as the Backbone One and wireless controllers for Xbox and PlayStation, further elevates the gaming experience, giving players the ability to fully immerse themselves in the world of Call of Duty with console comfort and precision . To celebrate the launch, March 22 will kick off the Operation: Day Zero event, a unique opportunity for the community to collaborate and unlock collective and individual rewards. This initiative demonstrates the developers’ commitment to keeping the gaming experience alive, involving players in common challenges that strengthen the sense of belonging to the Warzone Mobile community.

By Editor

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