Why don't humans have a tail?  Scientists found the answer in genes – Science

In the evolution of great apes, the tail was left along the way.

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For example, “I’m a perch made of coal” works in many situations. This is what Hietanen says in the book when he hears about evolution.

In a sentence is hidden wisdom. Life consists of carbon compounds and our very distant relative is an ancient fish. The tail fell along the way. Strictly speaking, we are monkeys made of coal. But where him?

This is what a geneticist in the United States thought about Bo Xia, when he had hurt his tailbone in a taxi. Humans also grow a tail during the fetal period at the age of six weeks, but it disappears. Only the coccyx remains, sometimes as a painful reminder of antiquity.

Xia and his colleagues began to study a gene affecting the development of the tail, whose abbreviation is tbxt.

It was discovered by chance by a Ukrainian scientist Nadija Dobrovolskaja-Zavadskaja already in the 1920s, by irradiating mice. Mutations in this tbxt gene shortened the mice’s tails.

Xia now discovered that our tailless apes, i.e. humans, gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees, have a different form of this gene than tailless apes, such as macaques.

The research group bred dozens of genetically modified mice in the laboratory and finally succeeded in creating mice with exactly the same form of the tbxt gene as we humans and even gorillas. And you see, these mice didn’t grow tails.

The discovery is so exciting that it was recently published In the journal Nature.

Researchers conclude that some ancient primate with a tail has this gene whining about 25 million years ago.

From this distant ancestor, the development line of tailless monkeys and later great apes has started, from the branch of which we too have finally fallen to the ground.

Yes, even Hietanen’s perch peeks out from our inheritance. Up to 70 percent of human genes are similar to those of zebrafish swimming in an aquarium.

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