The opossum's apolitical strike lasts three hours – Science

The opossum expresses itself by, for example, drooling.

For a person is characterized by promoting his cause with strikes and demonstrations. It is more difficult for an animal to protest, even if it finds room for improvement in its conditions.

Have you ever wondered what if an opossum had a job fight? You probably aren’t.

If the opossum’s employer exploits the opossum, the opossum has two options. It can either give in or show its will. In the latter case, the process proceeds as follows.

First, the opossum bares its teeth and ruffles its fur. This is how it shows that it is serious. Then it starts hissing loudly.

If this doesn’t work either, the opossum starts to drool profusely and emits an unpleasant smell. At this stage, the negotiation has already progressed in a special direction.

The opossum the last and hardest way is to put gloves on a nail and pretend to be dead. It falls to the ground like a carcass and almost stops breathing. The strike is total. All the opossum does now is lie down and smell.

This apolitical strike usually lasts about three hours, after which the animal is released.

So this is the Virginia opossum’s primitive defense against threats. It just doesn’t work very well with people. An opossum might even swim in the middle of the highway to block traffic. It has to be carried away from there. Worst case scenario, someone runs over it.

Opossums would need a strike guard. Mongoose! That would be the right mammal for that job.

Mongooses are social. They support each other and understand that there is strength only in a crowd.

In a herd of mongooses, there is always one alert trusty mongoose standing on a rock or a stump and keeping a close eye on whether there are robbers, exploiters or other unpleasant intruders on the horizon.

Mongooses are also fearless. If necessary, they can kill, for example, a snake.

Even with mangosteens is a kind of division of labor between main jehus and dunars. The dominant couple reproduces and it is the job of the others to help take care of the chicks.

According to research, some mongooses are also more selfish than others. The lucky gifts are not the same for animals either.

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