Renault presents U1st Vision, a hi-tech hospital on four wheels

At the VivaTech show in Paris, Renault and the Software République collective of companies unveiled the U1st Vision concept, an innovative commercial vehicle designed to tackle various challenges. U1st Vision is based on the FlexEVan electric modular platform, developed by Flexis, a joint venture between Renault, Volvo Group and CMA CGM, and will be launched in 2026. The vehicle will be equipped with an 800V architecture, allowing full charging in just 18 minutes. Furthermore, they will be equipped with Qualcomm supercomputers for predictive maintenance and a software infrastructure defined as SDV (Software Defined Vehicle), which will allow continuous updates.

The autonomous “pop-up” module is installed above the floor that houses the U1st Vision batteries. It can be configured for different uses, transforming in no time into a traveling bicycle repair service, or a mobile medical emergency center. In particular, the health module has been highlighted as a response to medical deserts, or areas where access to care remains consistently unmet. According to Software République, the “health pop-up” could cover up to 85% of essential health exams and tests, thanks to an advanced secure data management system that helps authorities decide where and when to deploy the health module, reducing pressure on local health services.

Inside this medical mini-cabinet, space optimization has been taken care of down to the smallest details. The furniture is designed to accommodate medical equipment such as mini-radiologies. The medical module is completely autonomous in terms of energy and water, allowing it to remain operational for several days in a specific location. It is equipped with a wide range of medical instruments (22 in total), which allow you to carry out various types of analysis, such as PCR tests, vision tests, hearing tests and complete check-ups. These devices cannot be used in self-service mode, but are managed by qualified personnel, guided by a virtual assistant with artificial intelligence or by a doctor via video conference.

The FlexEVan modular platform will be produced at the Sandouville plant and will be available from 2026. Meanwhile, Software République plans to develop and deploy the pop-up modules on existing commercial vehicle chassis, such as Renault Master or Trafic, starting from the first half of 2025. This ambitious project aims to bring healthcare and other essential services directly to the communities that need them most, meeting the needs of an increasingly interconnected world.

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