According to the researchers, the figure is about 30–40 meters tall.

Researchers have found a large, up to 1,000–1,500-year-old structure depicting a bird in northwestern Peru. The shapes of the bird can only be seen from the air.

On Wednesday, a group of researchers published a video from an airplane camera of the discovery made near the city of Trujillo, reports the news agency Reuters.

According to the researchers, the figure is about 30–40 meters tall. Pottery has been found at the site of the bird figure, which is believed to date back to the Moche culture. The Moche city-states ruled the coast of the northern parts of Peru more than a thousand years ago.

Basis Similar large figures or patterns, i.e. geoglyphs, that can be seen from the air have also been found in the past. The most famous geoglyphs include the Nazca lines, which are located on the coasts of Peru and Chile and spread over an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers.

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