Last trends in the industry came to Argentina with Telecom in a new edition of the International Technology Seminar. With the aim of promoting a space dedicated to Collaborative learning For company members and strategic partners, this year the SIT covered more than 230 charlas with local and international references in Generative artificial intelligence, autonomous networks, 5G, cloud and automation among others.

Telecom, in line with the development of the ICT industry at an international level, has an important path to travel in the passage of a telco to one tech-what. The company has transformed into a ecosystem of platforms and applications leveraged on new technologies and with connectivity as a differential value. The SIT is a space that seeks to enhance this innovative spirit to continue consolidating Telecom as a technology company that develops 100% digital businesses in its different business verticals.

“Las telecommunications networks They are the backbone that supports digitalization in the world. Without stopping the constant improvement and updating of current services, we are expanding boundaries and adding complexity to traditional network capabilities with the latest trends in technological enablers. With the AI and automation “as protagonists, in this edition of the SIT we present use cases and progress tests with different partners on how we are working to move towards a network as a software model,” he comments. Miguel Fernandez, CTO of Telecom Argentina.

“We are at the forefront of developing new products and applying new technologies to continue generating value, making operations more efficient and building business opportunities in the industry from scalable platforms at a regional level. With an increasingly transversal and comprehensive SIT, we had the opportunity to nourish our teams with ideas and experiences from international leaders to continue our vision of consolidating ourselves as Latam leaders,” he concludes. Guillermo Páez, director of Product and Services Platforms at Telecom Argentina.

What is SIT

The International Technology Seminar has been held since 2012.

He International Technology Seminar It has been carried out since 2012 with the objective of offering within the Telecom ecosystem a vision of the challenges and future perspective in the technological worldboth nationally and internationally, offered by recognized leaders of the industry’s value chain.

Initially focused on the cable industry, the SIT evolved over the years at the pace of the technological and business evolution of Telecom Argentina. Today the event expanded to different topics that make up the company’s strategy; from the digitalization of networks and technological enablers scalable platforms based on data, automation and AI.

Miguel Fernandez, Roberto Nobile and Guillermo Páez.

In this edition, more than 3,500 virtual attendees and 3,000 in-person attendees They shared panels, workshops, interactive spaces and discussion tables during one virtual and three hybrid sessions with references and specialists from different leading companies in the region.

Since last year, the SIT is a sustainable event and has certification carbon neutral, compensating 100% of the carbon footprint generated by the event, including energy consumption, waste disposal and transportation of participants and supplies, among other things. Along the same lines, as part of the content of the event, talks were held on different thematic axes linked to the sustainability in the ICT business. Sustainable materials and mentality were also used in the operational management of the event.

SIT 2024 had the support of global partners such as AWS, Huawei, Corning, Nokia, Red Hat, IBM, Commscope, Artic, Technetix, Tecnous and Vecima, whose executives participated in talks, plenaries and panels, as well as with stands at the that presented the latest innovations in the industry.

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