Japanese robot sets the world's fastest Rubik's Cube record

Mitsubishi Electric’s robot rotates a standard 3x3x3 Rubik’s cube in just 0.305 seconds, far surpassing the human record of 4.48 seconds.

The Component Manufacturing Technical Center of Japanese company Mitsubishi Electric set a Guinness World Record for the fastest robot to solve a rotating puzzle, in just 0.305 seconds, Mitsubishi Electric announced on May 23. The record-setting event took place in Tokyo 2 days earlier. Video released by Mitsubishi Electric shows the robot solving a standard 3x3x3 Rubik’s cube faster than the human eye can track.

The main man behind this record attempt is expert Tokui at Mitsubishi Electric’s Component Manufacturing Technical Center, where he often focuses on engine development. After watching videos of the previous record-holding robot, Tokui believes their motor is better and can break the speed record.

The TOKUI Fast Precision Synchronization Motion Testing Robot (TOKUFASTbot) can perform a 90-degree turn in 0.009 seconds thanks to its special swing mechanism, made from compact, high-power servo motors and high-tech technology. Color recognition algorithm developed using exclusive AI technology. Servo motors, programmable controllers, industrial PCs, touch screens and cameras are all designed to achieve high-speed signal connectivity and multi-device control.

“To demonstrate the engineering capabilities of achieving high-speed rotation, which is key to increasing the productivity and performance of the motors used in many of our products, young engineers volunteered attempt to set a world record. This has motivated our engineers to further develop their technological skills. We will continue to take on exciting challenges using technology we have evolved during engine development to support global production,” said Yuji Yoshimura, senior manager at Mitsubishi Electric’s Component Manufacturing Engineering Center.

Breaking records not only requires a fast engine, but also all machine parts working smoothly together. “Trying to shorten the time is difficult but also very interesting. I have never lost interest in the project.” Tokui said.

However, the Rubik’s Cube cannot keep up with the robot’s speed. Therefore, the team of experts continues to make efforts so that it does not get stuck. During the first official attempt, the Rubik’s cube got stuck again, but on the second attempt, the robot finished in a time never achieved during training, thus earning the title of Guinness World Record.

TOKUFASTbot’s time of 0.305 seconds far exceeds the human Rubik’s Cube rotation record. According to Guinness World Records, the fastest average time for a person to solve a 3x3x3 Rubik’s cube is 4.48 seconds, achieved by Yiheng Wang from China.

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