HT is shutting down the 3G network in Zagreb, it will be replaced by modern 4G and 5G

Hrvatski Telekom announced on Tuesday that it plans to shut down its 3G network in the area of ​​Zagreb and its surroundings in the period from July 8 to 12, 2024. After the successful shutdown of the 3G network in Osijek and its surroundings, this is the second area in Croatia where, in accordance with HT’s sustainable business strategy, the 3G network is shut down and the transition to more energy-efficient 4G is accelerated. and 5G technologies, according to the company.

– Shutting down the 3G network is a key step in HT’s commitment to digital transformation. By freeing up frequency resources and capacities, we further improve 4G and 5G technologies, which enables us to continue to provide users with the most advanced telecommunications services, while simultaneously improving the user experience. In addition, by focusing on faster and more advanced mobile technology and services, we create opportunities for further innovation and improved connectivity, which has a positive impact on social and economic development – said HT.

Those users who are still using 2G or 3G devices and do not have access to 4G and/or 5G technologies, will be able to continue using their services through 2G technology, which HT still maintains in operation and which enables uninterrupted use of calls and SMS messages, as well as the use of data traffic in accordance with the possibilities of 2G technology.

Of course, for a much better mobile internet experience, 4G or 5G devices are a much better choice.

All users who use devices of newer technology and have access to 4G and/or 5G technology, and have a SIM card of older technology, can exchange their SIM card free of charge at any time at Hrvatski Telekom sales points.

– Hrvatski Telekom will inform its users regularly and in a timely manner about the implementation method and the dynamics of the 3G technology shutdown procedure through announcements on its website. The complete completion of the 3G network shutdown project is expected at the beginning of next year, and more detailed information about the 3G network going down in history, as well as answers to the most frequently asked questions of users, can be found at Shutdown 3G network.

By Editor

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