On the night of Saturday, December 14, Ukraine launched retaliatory strikes on fuel infrastructure facilities in the Russian Federation. In the Oryol region, an oil depot caught fire as a result of an attack by Ukrainian drones.
The region’s governor, Andrei Klychkov, said that 11 attack drones were shot down, and the attack caused fuel fires at oil depots. By morning, the fire at the damaged fuel infrastructure facility was localized, Radio Liberty reported, and there were no casualties.
The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that on Saturday night Russian air defenses intercepted 37 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles. “Twelve UAVs were destroyed and intercepted over the territories of the Kursk region and the Krasnodar Territory, seven UAVs were shot down over the territory of the Bryansk region, five over the territory of the Oryol region and one over the Sea of Azov,” the official statement of the Russian Ministry of Defense said.
A day earlier, the Russian army launched a massive attack on energy facilities in Ukraine: targets were attacked in Kyiv, Odessa, Kremenchug, Ivano-Frankivsk, as well as in the Kharkov and Khmelnytsky regions. Due to the Russian missile attack, NEC Ukrenergo ordered the shutdown of three of the six consumer lines into which they are divided, said Sergei Kovalenko, general director of the electricity supplier YASNO.
Also in Odessa, the port was hit.