Jordanian border guards shot a citizen of India, trying to get into Israel

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of India reported that on February 10, Jordanian border guards shot a 47-year-old resident of the Indian state of Keral Thomas Gabriel Pereyr, who tried to illegally cross the Jordanian-Israeli border.

The British newspaper Independent says that Pereira, the driver of Motoriksha, arrived in Jordan on February 5 on a tourist visa as part of a group of four. However, the real purpose of the visit was to move to Israel to get a job there.

One of the members of the group said that the compatriot living in Jordan promised them a job in Israel with a salary of 350,000 rupees per month ($ 4,000). Each of them paid a deposit of 210,000 rupees, and also pledged to pay 50,000 rupees to this intermediary monthly.

The letter directed by the Perewey family with the Embassy of India in Amman says that the Jordanian border guards ordered the violators to stop, and when they did not obey the order, they opened fire to defeat. One of the bullets hit Thomas in the head. The remaining members of the group were detained.

By Editor

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