Report in Germany: Ukraine tried to eliminate Putin – and failed

The secret service of Ukraine failed earlier this week in an attempt to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin. This is what the German “Bild” newspaper reported today (Thursday).

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The news comes from a person who claims to have ties to the intelligence services in Kiev, who claims that a drone carrying 17 kilograms of explosives that was sent to assassinate Putin crashed in Russian territory. According to the source, the drone was supposed to explode at a factory that Putin was expected to visit earlier this week, but it crashed and exploded a few kilometers from its destination.

War in Ukraine (Photo: Reuters)

Putin has been known for years as a paranoid ruler who fears that the assassin is always around the corner, and he claims to have survived five assassination attempts during his presidency. In an interview with American filmmaker Oliver Stone, he claimed that the only reason he has survived so far is that he directly employs his security team. “I’m doing my job,” he said in an interview in 2017. “And they are doing their part, in the meantime they are doing a good job.”

Russia and Ukraine refused to comment on the report.

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