Female guard had sexual intercourse with Palestinian prisoner;  Female soldiers are banned from serving in prisons in Israel

Female soldiers in Israel will be banned from serving as guards in high-security prisons following allegations that they had sexual intercourse with a Palestinian prisoner.

According to the news in Israeli media; A female soldier admitted to having physical intimacy with a detained Palestinian man. The guard woman is thought to be serving in the military, which is mandatory for the majority of Israelis. The names of the soldier and the prisoner with whom he allegedly had sexual intercourse were not disclosed. However, it is known that the prisoner was sentenced to life imprisonment. The court hearing the case decided that other details, including the location of the prison, should not be disclosed.

Israeli media also reported that the arrested soldier claimed during interrogation that four other women had had sex with the same man. The Israeli Prison Service (IPS) announced that the Palestinian prisoner was transferred from his cell to a separate ward before interrogation.

Women will not work in high security prisons

IPS chiefs Katy Perry and Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir announced that female soldiers will no longer serve in high security prisons where Palestinian prisoners are held. According to the news reflected in the media, it is estimated that there will not be a single female soldier left in high security prisons by mid-2025.

It has been brought up before

There have been repeated calls to stop female Israeli soldiers from serving in high-security Israeli prisons, but these demands have not been successful due to the lack of personnel to replace them.

According to BBC; Last year, it was alleged that Palestinian prisoners in a prison attacked and raped female soldiers serving as guards; There were even allegations that some senior prison officials were “marketing” the soldiers. Following these allegations, Israeli ministers ordered an investigation to be launched.

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