Trump: “Netanyahu let us down in the operation to kill Soleimani”
The former president and 2024 presidential candidate did not spare criticism from the prime minister, claiming that Netanyahu “did not help in the operation” • Against the background of the war in Gaza, he launched an attack against Israel – and criticized its intelligence capabilities: “It needs to strengthen itself, Hamas is smart” • On “the minister For the national defense” the Israeli said: “an idiot who exposes the point of weakness”, Gallant responded: “unfounded speculation”

Former United States President and 2024 presidential candidate Donald Trump attacked Prime Minister Netanyahu tonight (between Wednesday and Thursday) for “not assisting in the operation” to kill Qasem Soleimani in 2020. “We were very disappointed by this, it was a terrible thing. Netanyahu tried to take credit for it, but in the end we did the work ourselves,” said Trump.

In a speech he gave at a rally in Florida in front of his supporters, the former president used the stage to criticize Israel’s intelligence capabilities and claimed that they needed to be improved – against the background of the war in Gaza. He hinted that Israel is weak and that it “needs to strengthen itself” – in the face of the “smart” Hamas.

He also attacked Israel’s “Minister of National Defense” (it is not clear if he meant Gallant or Laban Gabir), and called him an “idiot”: “He said I hope they don’t attack us from the north, and tomorrow morning they will just attack. If you listen to this idiot – He says, this is our weak point.”

In response to the statements, it was stated on behalf of Defense Minister Galant: “Defense Minister Galant did not address or express himself in any way to what was attributed to him in the various publications, according to which ‘he hopes that Hezbollah will not attack us from the north.’ To hit all our enemies, as they are currently doing against Hamas in Gaza.”

Trump also did not hesitate to sting President Biden as well – and linked the conspiracy theory from the 2020 election to Hamas’s attack against Israel: “No one would even think of invading Israel if the election had not been stolen.”

Both: “Saturday – the deadliest day since the Holocaust”

Trump’s words come after President Biden’s speech yesterday and the day before – in which he expressed unqualified support for Israel. “Sabbath – the deadliest day since the Holocaust. The miracle called Israel is Israel itself. If there is no Israel – no Jew in the world will be safe. We will bring the (kidnapped) people back home and we can change the face of the Middle East,” Biden said last night.

In a speech the night before, Biden referred to American efforts to aid Israel during the war. “We will ensure that Israel remains armed, we will ask Congress to take swift action on behalf of our partners. This is not politics – this is the security of America and the security of the world.” Regarding sending the American aircraft carrier towards Israel, Biden said: “We are ready to intervene as soon as it is necessary.”

“At this moment we will be very clear – we stand for the right of Israel. There is no justification for terrorism, there is no excuse for terrorism,” emphasized the American president. “Hamas does not protect the honor of the Palestinian people but wants to eliminate the State of Israel. They use the Palestinians as a human shield.” Later he added: “Hamas is like the most brutal factions in ISIS.”

By Editor

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