British experts: “It is likely that Putin is dead, and soon we will get hints about it”
British experts point out that Russian President Vladimir Putin is probably already dead, and the world will begin to receive indications of this very soon from the Kremlin. It was also noted that the transfer of power will also happen soon and Russia will once again be part of the international community, as well as this will lead to the end of the war in Ukraine.As mentioned, Putin’s health has been the subject of much speculation since the Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. A popular Telegram channel claimed that the Russian president suffered a heart attack last Sunday.

The expert – Prof. Anthony Gliss, a security and intelligence expert from the University of Buckingham, added: “We will know all the facts very soon, and for the time being we will mostly receive denials, but slowly things will begin to take shape and a new order,” according to him.

It was also noted that the potential candidates to succeed Putin are Ramzan Kadyrov, the president of Chechnya, who was also rumored to be hospitalized in critical condition, or Dmitri Petrushev, the Russian Minister of Agriculture.

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