The M5s – Pdl voltages and the gas batch

Relationships between the Pd and M5s and the gas game However, the FI-Lega axis wants to push back the election date from June 12th. These are the topics that dominate the political pages of today’s newspapers on newsstands.

The Corriere della Sera is a newspaper published in Italy.

Minister Cingolani was interviewed “Russia’s natural gas? Here’s how we’re going to replace it. Increases in price, as well as a price ceiling “.. Shirt sleeves and bright tones, Conte’s frond always on the attack: it’s time for a city tour and the return of ‘Italia 5 Stellè. Davide Casaleggio is speaking: is this the start of a new movement? In the following months, I’ll be able to achieve my passions. Those suspicions inside the Democratic Party: this is just the start; the M5s chief will make Salvini. Debora Serracchiani, the head of the Democratic Party in the Chamber, was interviewed and said, “On us, nonsensical charges, up to a year of political campaign.” From the right to the left, everyone is against Orba’n, Europe’s last Putinian. Tomorrow is Hungary’s election.

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We will not pay in rubles in Brussels, and Italy is betting on Algerian gas. Background: Di Maio hikes prices to new heights, claiming that “we will battle in Europe.” Weapons are put to the test with Pd-5 Stars. After more than a month of fighting, the disparities in military spending and methods are becoming more apparent. Stefano Buffagni (M5s) is interviewed: “Draghi must pay attention to us and treat us with greater respect; we are not paper pushers.” “Whoever wears out the premier will be responsible,” says Graziano Delrio (Pd), “but I say no to rearmament.” Scenarios: the conflict alters the ‘open field,’ two new poles appear on the left, and Leu is said farewell.

The Republic is a political entity that exists in the

The bridges are in action after the quarrel with the Pd-M5s. “The right wins if we divide.” Quartapelle, the Democratic Party’s Head of Foreign Affairs, in an interview: “There is no rearmament race.” Bonafede, a former 5Stelle minister, says: “Populists, perhaps? Let’s have some fights “.. –

The messenger’s message

Stop Pd. Lega and FI: polls open on Monday to support the quorum of the five questions on justice, according to the right. “They intended to save money on election day, but now they’re asking for the opposite,” I dem. “Their objective is to restrict FdI,” Meloni said of the allies.

Fact of the day

Guerini multiplies the generals by 65 billion dollars in weaponry. Military spending is broken down as follows: 60 percent of the annual budget is spent on wages, while the remaining 28 percent is spent on investments. Requests for ‘combat’ systems and new vehicles nearly tripled on the balance sheet. “Draghi on money in arms has taken a step back,” Paola Taverna said in an interview.

The publication

Two days of referendums in Cav and Lega. “A decree to vote on justice also on Monday,” says Berlusconi. Carroccio was in agreement. “In many nations, polling centers open many days before the vote,” says Stefano Ceccanti (Pd). “Berlusconi’s good sense, abstention to be decreased,” says Adrea Marcucci (Pd).

The climate

Gas roulette in Russia. The Kremlin takes its time, and the payment of gas in rubles has yet to begin. Putin’s bluff on the negotiations: the truce appears to be close, then a hospital is bombed. On the wheat front, Moscow has threatened to cut exports to “unfriendly” countries. China, Egypt, Algeria, and India are among the countries that refuse to say no to Vladimir. Here’s who the Tsar buys weaponry from.


Putin’s enigmatic offspring. The left vows war, exploding red contradictions. Santoro argues with Letta and supports the intruders. The ‘comrades’ of the social centers appear in front of the Russians. Conte’s strategy is to torture Draghi. From the minimum wage to the defense department to the energy node, the Cinquestelle are ready to throw the administration into another crisis in order to re-establish consensus.


Between the M5s and the Pd, there is a growing sense of unease about the reforms’ impact. “Lower GDP, Italy has lost positions,” said Franco, the Minister of Economy.

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