The Russian version of what really happened to Bucha

What the Kiev government has called a “deliberate massacre” of civilians in Bucha and on which the EU could decide to trigger a new round of sanctions against Moscow, is already presented in the Russian media that support the Kremlin as a “fake news” built by Ukraine to get more weapons from the West.

While, for now, the news of the massacre in the town north-west of Kiev it does not appear in the main Russian agencies – Ria Novosti, Interfax and Tass – Bucha is instead the second in the “important news” section of the Tsargrad TV site, the broadcaster of the orthodox oligarch Konstantin Malofeev, sanctioned by the US and the EU in 2014 for financing the Donbass separatist militias; accusations that the entrepreneur has always denied.

Tsargrad proves the dismantle the “legend” raising questions and returning war crimes reports to the sender, without however bringing concrete evidence: “The news was kept in store for four days, there are bodies moving and there is the hand of the Ukrainian Armed Forces”, reads in the article.

“Now that our military, together with the forces of the republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, are concentrated in the liberation of the Donbass “, he continues,” the Ukrainian army has the opportunity to create another fake, as it was with the ‘bombing of the children’s hospital’ in Mariupol, already unmasked “.

For Tsargrad, the local mayor Fedorouk – who denounced the presence of “mass graves” in the city – “forgot to reveal some details: for example, that in strange circumstances in Bucha an entire column of armored vehicles had burned downtogether with the houses nearby and, moreover, that there are traces of attacks with phosphorus ammunition, used by the Ukrainian forces against our army “.

Tsargrad also claims that in a video with the corpses abandoned on the street “at the 12th second one of the victims’ bodies moves his hand; at the 30th second, in the rearview mirror, a corpse can be seen sitting down; moreover, the bodies in the video appear to be deliberately arranged to create a more dramatic image “.

“The advisor to the Ukrainian president, Mikhail Podolyak, is using fake news to request weapons from Western partners“, concludes Tsargrad TV. On his Telegram channel, even the pro-Kremlin presenter Vladimir Soloviev, to whom the Italian Guardia di Finanza has recently frozen two villas on Lake Como, relaunches the thesis according to which the news of” a Srebrenica a Bucha is a lie, “aimed at fomenting the hostility of the local population towards the Russians.” Russian troops have not fully controlled Bucha for a single day during this month and a half, “the post reads,” our military has left the area a few days before the ‘victims of the occupation’ were discovered and the corpses that are seen, due to the conditions in which they live, must have been killed at the latest yesterday “.

The post then invites “to conduct an investigation indicating the time of death of the unfortunate and to reveal the data in the possession of NATO on the exact time of the withdrawal of the Russian troops. This is only in case you want to seek the truthbut who needs the truth in the West? “.

By Editor

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