Stormy Daniels testified at Trump's trial – Foreign countries

Stephanie Clifford told the court that she had sex with Donald Trump in a suite after a golf tournament in July 2006. Trump has denied it.

Stormy Daniels porn star known as Stephanie Clifford appeared in court on Tuesday in New York. He testified in a criminal trial where Donald Trump accused of accounting crimes.

The charge is related to bribery money Trump paid to Clifford before the 2016 US presidential election through his lawyer.

Clifford said she had sex with Trump after a golf tournament in a Lake Tahoe hotel suite in July 2006. Trump has denied that this happened.

Clifford told the court in great detail how he had ended up in the same hotel room with Trump and what had followed.

According to Clifford, Trump’s security guard had approached him after a golf tournament in Lake Tahoe and suggested having dinner with Trump. Clifford said that at first he refused the invitation, but that he decided otherwise at the urging of his colleague.

According to Clifford, Trump was in his suite in satin pajamas.

“You know Hugh Hefnerthat you stole his pyjamas”, according to his story, Clifford had joked to Trump, referring to the founder of Playboy magazine.

According to Clifford, Trump repeatedly asked about Clifford’s work in adult entertainment. Trump had also inquired about Clifford’s visits to STD tests.

Clifford recounted the events in court in great detail.

Somewhere At one point, Clifford had gone to the suite’s bathroom, according to his story. He said that afterwards he found Trump lying in bed wearing underwear and a t-shirt.

“– – did you end up on the bed having sex with him”, the prosecutor Susan Hoffinger asked Clifford in court.

“Yes,” he replied.

According to Clifford, he did not expect this to happen when he decided to meet with Trump. Clifford told the court that he was nervous and ashamed after the events.

A trial followed by the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC by Trump’s lawyers objected to nearly every question prosecutors asked Clifford. The judge often sided with the Trumps’ lawyers.

The judge asked Clifford several times to stay on topic because he gave very long answers, the BBC reports.

“It is unnecessary to go into such detailed information,” the judge told prosecutors at one point, according to Reuters.

According to Reuters, Trump appeared to close his eyes at times while listening to Clifford’s testimony.

According to prosecutor Hoffinger, Clifford’s testimony was needed to complete the course of events and to strengthen Clifford’s credibility.

Trump has denied that he has committed any crimes and claimed that the trial was related to a political manhunt against him.

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