Abbas applauds the decision of Spain, Norway and Ireland to recognize the State of Palestine

The president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmud Abbas, applauded this Wednesday the announcement by Spain, Norway and Ireland on the recognition of the State of Palestine, which will materialize on May 28 in these three cases, and has stressed that it is an contribution to the materialization of the two-state solution in order to end the conflict with Israel.

The Palestinian Presidency has applauded the announcement by the President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and has stressed that “this step reflects Spain’s willingness to support the Palestinian people and their inalienable and legitimate rights to their land and their homeland.”

“Spain’s decision, at this time, is a contribution by countries that believe that the two-state solution is an option that represents international will and legitimacy,” he maintained, before regretting that “this solution is being systematically destroyed because of Israeli policies, especially through the continuation of the genocidal war in the Gaza Strip.

Abbas has also expressed his satisfaction with the announcement by the Prime Minister of Norway, Jonas Gahr Store, which he described as “a step to support the implementation of the two-state solution”, while applauding that Oslo “has strongly supported the Palestinian rights in recent years and has voted in favor of them in international forums.

“This decision is the culmination of these positions and is consistent with the principles of International Law, which recognizes the right of peoples to free themselves from colonialism and oppression and to live with freedom, justice and independence,” he argued, as reported by the Palestinian news agency WAFA.

On the other hand, Abbas has indicated that the announcement made by the Prime Minister of Ireland, Simon Harris, “is a contribution to materializing the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination in their land through steps to support the implementation of the peace settlement. two States”.

The Palestinian president has also highlighted Dublin’s position “in support of the rights of the Palestinians” and has reiterated that “the right to self-determination is recognized under International Law.” For this reason, he has asked countries that have not yet taken this step to “fulfill their responsibilities and recognize the Palestinians’ right to self-determination” to “restore confidence in a global system based on norms and equal rights for all peoples.” of the world”.

Along these lines, the secretary of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Hussein al-Sheikh, has spoken of “a historic moment in which the free world triumphs for truth and justice after decades of struggle.” Palestinian national identity, suffering, pain, occupation, racism, murder, oppression, abuse and destruction to which the Palestinian people have been subjected.

“We thank the countries of the world that have recognized and will recognize the independent State of Palestine. We affirm that this is the path to stability, security and peace in the region,” said Al Sheikh, a figure close to Abbas. , through a statement published on his account on the social network X.

The announcements by Spain, Norway and Ireland bring to 146 the number of United Nations member states that recognize the State of Palestine. Malta and Slovenia have also stated that they could take this step soon, while Israel has criticized all these decisions and has stated that they will have a negative impact on the region.

Over the last month, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and the Bahamas had taken the step of recognizing Palestine, five years after Saint Kitts and Nevis did the same. Israel has been very critical of these decisions and has refused to recognize Palestine, distancing the possibility of an agreement.

By Editor

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