Scholz is the candidate for chancellor for Pistorius

Federal Defence Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) has denied any ambitions to become his party’s candidate for chancellor. “We have an excellent chancellor, and He will also be the next candidate for chancellorPistorius said on Wednesday during a visit to Lithuania. “This discussion is really unnecessary We don’t need it right now.“

Chancellor Olaf Scholz is the SPD’s candidate for chancellor in the federal election next year. The SPD local politician However, Heiko Wittig spoke out in favor of Pistorius’ candidacy at the weekend“Many at the SPD base say: Pistorius is clearly our number one,” said the SPD parliamentary group leader in the North Saxony district to the “Tagesspiegel”. With Pistorius as the top candidate, the SPD has “best chances of winning the 2025 federal election“, he said. Otherwise there will be “a rude awakening”.

No candidate has been officially chosen yet. However, SPD leader Lars Klingbeil recently confirmed that Scholz would run again for the Social Democrats as candidate for chancellor. The date for the selection of the SPD candidate is Scheduled for summer 2025. In the Union, NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst still considers the candidate question to be open, as recently became clear – despite the clear re-election of Friedrich Merz as CDU leader.

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