The videos of the abduction of the female observers and the shocking testimony of the Nuh’ba terrorist who testifies to the rape and genocide of his family members in the Gaza Envelope on October 7 are causing stormy reactions around the world.Many harsh reactions were registered among the surfers of the “Daily Mail”, which today revealed the video from the investigation of the terrorist. “I couldn’t continue reading, my heart can’t stand it,” wrote one of the surfers, “the terrorists’ descriptions of the atrocities they committed are shocking. How can people commit such acts? I don’t believe in accountability after death, so they should bear the consequences of their actions now.” .

Another surfer from Germany wrote: “How is it possible to make claims about the actions that Israel is taking in an attempt to return its abductees after being exposed to such horrors? The families need to find a way to deal with the horror. They must return their loved ones.” Another surfer from the north of England expressed a similar position: “And people still wonder why Israel reacted the way it did. I can’t understand violence, but I can understand a reaction.”

The ZAKA team in Otef after the massacre (Photo: Haim Goldberg, Flash 90)

Many surfers connected the things to the political situation in Great Britain, which is soon going to dramatic elections that may end in a revolution and the rise of Labor to power. “Soon people with such a mentality will also come to us, Labor has announced that it wants to take in Palestinian refugees,” wrote one surfer, and another added: “Play the words of the terrorist on loudspeakers at demonstrations outside the offices of the Labor Party.”

“It doesn’t make sense that anyone could support Palestine in any way. They need to be crushed now. This is the only way to prevent something like this from happening again in the future. At least Israel warns them against attacks and indicates where they will occur,” wrote an American surfer.

“These are war crimes. Amal Clooney and her accomplices take note. I don’t think Netanyahu did such a thing,” wrote a British surfer and mentioned the wife of the actor George Clooney, a British lawyer and social activist of Lebanese origin who was among the eight experts appointed to investigate the war crimes and recommended to the Prosecutor General at the International Criminal Court in The Hague to issue arrest warrants against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Galant.

Gallant and Netanyahu (Photo: Dana Koppel, Paul (Flash 90))

Newspapers around the world also extensively reported on the video of the difficult abduction of the female observers that was published yesterday. “Wild man”, wrote the “New York Post” on the cover of the newspaper. “The horrifying video published shows five Israeli female soldiers covered in blood and surrounded by the bodies of their slaughtered comrades, receiving threats of rape and then being taken to Gaza by Hamas terrorists on October 7. In the shocking video, the terrorists can be heard gloating and announcing their plans to sexually assault the female soldiers,” it said.

The New York Post cover (photo: screenshot)

“The world is doing exactly what the terrorists are doing,” shouted the headline of the German “Bild” newspaper, which also published the photos of the injured and frightened observers. The newspaper’s website even uploaded a photo of a terrorist who appears to be raising his finger as a sign of victory next to one of the kidnapped female soldiers.

The “Daily Mail” also devoted an article to the issue and noted, among other things, that in the video one of the terrorists is heard shouting at the observer Naama Levy: “Bitches, we will step on you.” In response, Levy replied: “I have Palestinian friends.”

By Editor

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