At least there are 4 dead and 25 injured in Mallorca, Spain following the collapse of a terrace of the Medusa Beach Club restaurant in Playa de Palma. The collapse occurred shortly after 8pm in via Cartago 36, in Ses Cadenes, and it was the neighbors who alerted the police and the civil guard. On site, a two-storey building, emergency fire brigade teams are rescuing people trapped in the rubble. All available ambulances in Palma have been moved to via Cartago, where activity is currently at its maximum.

Some neighbors explained that they heard a loud noise and then screams. The mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez and the first deputy mayor, Javier Bonet, are already in via Cartago and are speaking with the commanders of the Local Police to clarify the circumstances of the tragedy.

At the moment, according to Spanish media reports, only one of the four victims has been identified: Abdoulaye Diop, a Senegalese man who made headlines in 2017 for saving a swimmer.

According to what we understand, the Farnesina is checking whether there are Italians involved in the collapse.

By Editor

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