The address where Ilaria Salis is under house arrest has been revealed

During the trial in Budapest, Hungarian judge Josef Szos revealed the address of the house where Ilaria Salis is under house arrest after her release. Legal sources report this. “The revelation was greeted by a murmur in the courtroom and by protests from our Hungarian colleague and Roberto Salis – lawyer Mauro Straini explains to AGI -. Only after the protests did the judge order the address to be deleted from the minutes and not to disclose it to journalists but the damage had already been done.”

Judge Szos extended the woman’s precautionary custody in Hungary for another six months. “In fact, you rejected our repeated request to have her under house arrest in Italy” explains the lawyer Mauro Straini present at the hearing together with his colleague Eugenio Losco. The accused arrived in the courtroom and left in a taxi accompanied by her father and her lawyers. You are under house arrest and have no limitations on receiving people. The trial was adjourned until September 6th.

Two witnesses and an alleged victim called by the judge did not recognize Ilaria Salis in the trial in Budapest in which she is accused of having attacked far-right militants during a counter-demonstration on the ‘Day of Honour’, a commemoration of homage to pro-Nazi fighters, reports Straini again: “None of the three, two women and a man, recognized her, urged by the judge to say if they had seen her in those circumstances. One of the victims said that she realized three months after the events that she had some injuries to three ribs in addition to the others already indicated in the indictment. He was unable to explain why he waited so long to have them reported but said he had continued to practice archery in recent months.”


For the first time since the trial began, the Milanese teacher showed up without leashes or chains having been released from prison. As ordered by the court of second instance, she was wearing the electronic bracelet. The victim of the attack, Zoltan Toth, stated that he was kicked and beaten by a group of people who had masked faces and that therefore he could not recognize any of them.

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