The past tweets of the President of the Hague Tribunal Nawaf Salam against Israel
Nawaf Salam, during his former role as Lebanon’s ambassador to the United Nations, often spoke publicly against Israel’s policies • Salam noted 48 years of “occupation” and wrote “an unhappy birthday” and called the attempt to label Israel’s critics as anti-Semitic an “intimidation attempt”

A series of tweets by the president of the International Court of Justice in the Hague, Nawaf Salam, put a question mark regarding the objectivity of his decisions regarding Israel. The tweets were published on the judge’s personal account while he was Lebanon’s ambassador to the United Nations in 2015, in which he expressed harsh criticism of Israel’s policy in the territories and claimed that labeling criticism of Israel as anti-Semitism is a means of intimidation against its critics.


In one of the tweets, Salam published a picture with the caption “Unhappy birthday”, to mark 48 years of “occupation” in the territories of Judea and Samaria. In another case, he uploaded a picture of an emergency discussion at the UN regarding Israel and wrote that “Israel needs to finish the occupation and the violence.”


Salam claimed in another tweet that his criticism against Israel’s policies does not indicate that he is against Jews. In a tweet, he wrote that “when we criticize Israel, it’s not because of the Jewish majority that lives there.” In addition, Salam claimed that the presentation of Israel’s critics as anti-Semites is an attempt at intimidation, which he opposes.

By Editor

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