Killed in Iran's Meuz in Damascus: Three Hezbollah operatives killed in Homs

At noon today (Saturday) it was reported that two vehicles belonging to Hezbollah terrorists were attacked in the area of ​​the village of Homs in Syria. Three Hezbollah operatives were killed in this attack. In addition, in the morning, the Damascus police informed that an unidentified man was killed by an explosive device that was fired at his car in the luxury neighborhood of Al-Meza, which is adjacent to the Iranian consulate in the city. From the initial information it appears that the person is close to Iran and it is possible that this is another assassination.

Earlier this week it was reported on the Saudi Al-Hadath channel that an attack was carried out in Syria targeting the facilities of the pro-Iranian militia “Imam Hussein” and Hezbollah’s “Radwan Force”. This attack was attributed to Israel. According to the report, among those killed in the attack was also a member of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, and that the “Israeli attack” disrupted the plan of Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah and the “Radwan Force” to invade Israel through Syria without “paying a price” in Lebanon.

The scene where, according to the report, an assassination attempt was carried out in Syria (Photo: Arab Networks)

It is possible that these events are added to the assassination of General Mohammad Reza Zahadi and his deputy in the Iranian consulate in Damascus in April, which, as I recall, led to intense anger in Iran and a significant Iranian attack on Israel, in which over 300 drones and cruise missiles were launched at Israel.

Muhammad Reza Zahedi (Photo: Arab Networks)

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