Aviation expert on the Cessna crash: 'These planes crash here three or four times a year'

Aviation expert and analyst Alen Šuric told us that he had previously flown with a plane that crashed, but today he was not in it.

– A Hungarian-registered Cessna fell, five passengers were inside, one died. As far as I know, they fell on takeoff. Such things happen, thank God, not often, but in Croatia, such planes crash three or four times a year, that’s an average – Šuric said in 24 hours.

He adds that the cause of the fall could be literally a billion things.

– I can list the next five hours that could be the cause. It could be anything, from pilot error, through an error on the plane, technical error, it could really be anything. These are planes that don’t have seats inside, they don’t tie down, they actually sit on the floor on top of each other. Anything can be the cause – Šuric told us.

As we unofficially find out, exactly one of the problems is that the plane was registered with a master’s degree, the shooters told us that they do not have excessive supervision. That is, our services cannot control whether these planes are in airworthy condition.

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