Notre Dame in Paris will be reopened to the public on December 8, according to Macron

French President Emmanuel Macron wanted to clarify today in Berlin, as part of a state visit to Germany, that the Notre Dame de Paris Cathedral will reopen its doors on December 8, as planned, after subsequent reconstruction to a fire in 2019. “This date will be respected. On December 8 we will reopen Notre Dame de Paris,” Macron said in a debate with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier in the German capital, which is celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law German and the 35th anniversary of the peaceful revolution that led to the demise of the German Democratic Republic (DDR). Asked whether his country’s authorities would keep the December 8 date for the reopening of Notre Dame, Macron reassured. “Everyone will be able to come and visit it. It will be rebuilt”, said the French head of state, who also recalled that France has other “major events” to face, such as the Olympic Games which Paris will host from 26 July and the Paralympic Games which will begin on August 28th.

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