A year without Berlusconi.  His family and companies remember him

One year after his death, the family, the party and companies will remember Silvio Berlusconi tomorrow. In the morning a private mass will be held in the chapel of Villa San Martino. Berlusconi’s five children, his brother Paolo, his latest partner Marta Fascina and his closest friends are expected in Arcore. Also in the morning, Antonio Tajani will gather the national leadership of Forza Italia at the party headquarters in Rome, for the first meeting after the electoral success at the European elections that the party leaders dedicated to Berlusconi. In the Chamber of the Chamber and the Senate, the group leaders Paolo Barelli and Maurizio Gasparri will then intervene to remember the founder of FI.

But the main celebrations will be held in the company. In the late afternoon Pier Silvio Berlusconi will bring together all the employees and collaborators of the Mediaset group in the historic headquarters of Cologno Monzese to remember his father. Connections are also planned with the Rome and Mediaset Espana offices in Madrid. And, in prime time, Toni Capuozzo’s documentary, ‘Dear President, one year later’ will be broadcast on Canale 5.

By Editor

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