Trump: “Inviting Biden to a confrontation and a game of golf”
The race for the presidency of the United States is beginning to gain momentum and brings with it internal tensions on both sides of the political map. In the Democratic Party, more and more members of parliament claimed that Biden “cannot win the presidential elections.” In the Republican Party, Trump drags his feet in choosing his candidate for the vice president of the United States and continues to provoke the incumbent president and his vice president Kamala Harris.At the rally held in Florida, Trump refrained from announcing his candidate for the position of vice despite the growing expectation and emphasized that he will announce it during the Republican National Convention next Monday in Milwaukee or shortly before it. Trump was surprised, or pretended to be surprised, by the number of reporters present and said: “They must think I’m going to announce that Marco (Rubio) is going to be vice president. I don’t know.”

Later, when talking about his pledge to make tips tax-exempt, he said: “Maybe a majority will be there to vote for it and maybe not.” Trump later launched a series of jabs at the president in the shadow of his failure in the confrontation between the two. “Tonight I am officially offering Joe the opportunity to redeem himself in front of the whole world,” he said. “So Marco and Byrne and everyone, let’s have another showdown this week so Sleepy Joe can prove to everyone around the world that he has what it takes to be president.

“But this time it will be man to man,” he clarified. “Just say where – anywhere and anytime.” Later, Trump also mocked Biden’s movements and his resilience. “That’s why I’m also challenging ‘Crooked Joe’ to a game of golf with 18 holes right here. If he wins I’ll donate a million dollars to any charity that is chosen.”

Trump also mocked Biden for joking at Jewish events, saying that he apparently “went to more synagogues than many American Jews. “When Jewish people are present – he always comes to synagogues,” said Trump. “Has he ever seen a synagogue? He doesn’t know what a synagogue is. Everything is lies and everything is fake. Unfortunately, it was like that in Afghanistan, in the Russia-Ukraine war and on October 7 in the attack on Israel. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.”

“Everything with him is lies and forgery. Unfortunately, it was also like that in the attack on Israel on October 7”

Trump vs. Biden

Trump was not content with just mocking Biden and continued to his deputy Kamala Harris as well. He repeatedly misspelled her name, criticized her immigration record and called her relationship with Biden “the best insurance policy I’ve ever seen.” This comment comes after several members of the Democratic Party raised her name as a possible replacement for Biden in the presidential race.

Sharp criticism within the camp

The pressure on Biden to retire also continues at home. Last night three senators from the US Democratic Party claimed that President Joe Biden “cannot win” the presidential election against Trump. The three are John Tester (Montana), Michael Bennett (Colorado) and Sherrod Brown (Ohio). “We need to manage A discussion on that,” Bennett told CNN when asked if Biden should step down. Despite his position, Bennett did not specifically call for Biden to do so.

In the meantime, President Biden continues to broadcast business as usual and engage in US foreign policy. In tonight’s speech at the NATO summit, the president announced a “historic contribution” of air defense systems to Ukraine, and said that Washington and other allies will provide Ukraine with “five additional strategic defense systems in the coming months.” and dozens of additional tactical systems for air defense.”


3 senators: Biden “can’t win the election” | Photo: Reuters


In this speech too, Biden avoided dealing with the issue of the elections, as he has been careful to do in recent times. A scathing New York Times editorial harshly attacked Biden for this approach and claimed that “instead of running a vigorous campaign to dispel doubts and prove that he can defeat Trump, who is a serious threat to democracy, Biden maintains a planned schedule and largely avoids answering questions and talking to reporters”.

The New York Times claimed that since the campaign there has been a continuous decline in the president’s ability to run for another term. “Since that weak debate, the many polls show that Biden’s chance of beating Trump drops considerably.” According to them, instead of running, Biden adopted the “preferred approach of politicians” and that is to insist that the polls are wrong. However, according to them, even if the differences were substantially reduced, they would still point to doubts about his competence, since according to the latest poll, about 74 percent thought that Biden was too old to run against Trump.

By Editor

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