Two-toed tribe in Africa

The Doma people of Zimbabwe are famous for being born with only two toes, so they are also called “ostrich people”.

The Doma people, also known as Vadoma or Bantwana, living in northern Zimbabwe, have a unique genetic factor that causes their feet to have only two toes. The condition, called ectrodactyly (lobster claw syndrome), causes some toes to be missing, giving the foot a pliers-like shape. The syndrome is common in the Doma tribe, with a rate of one in four children born suffering from it.

The Doma tradition of marrying only within the tribe increases the likelihood of passing on the ectrodactyly gene. Over time, this closed circle of marriage causes Doma to have the highest rate of ectrodactyly in the world. Some other tribes such as the Talunda and Taluta Kalgana in the Kalahari Desert of southern Africa also exhibit ectrodactyly, suggesting the possibility of a common ancestor with the Doma people.


The feet of the Doma people. Image: Drew Binsky

Despite the problems caused by ectrodactyly such as difficulty walking and running, the Doma people do not consider it a disability. They adapted to the characteristics of their feet, and some believe that their lack of toes allowed them to climb trees more efficiently – a valuable skill for hunter-gatherer societies.

The Doma people are the only remaining hunter-gatherer tribe in Zimbabwe, but their access to land and resources is limited. In recent years, the tribe has faced pressure from the government, demanding to stop hunting, forcing them to abandon their traditional lifestyle and move to the lowlands.

While maintaining a degree of isolation from the outside world, many Doma people now live in settled communities, build their homes on high ground to protect themselves from wildlife, and have taken up farming.

Accessing the Doma tribe is difficult when there are almost no African travel companies publicly offering experiential tours. However, many famous travel vloggers such as Drew Binsky, Fearless & Far have been to where this tribe lives and filmed their real lives.

By Editor

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