How to recover free storage in Gmail with this trick

In June 2021, the bad news arrived for the majority of the millions of users of Google services, such as Gmail, Google Photos or Google One: free storage was coming to an end. Or at least, it remained limited to 15 GB in total, which may be quite little.

It is worth clarifying that, unless a user pays for the Google One service, those 15 GB cover email, Google Drive and Google Photos. Therefore, without making the subscription, you must make frequent “cleaning” so as not to exceed the limit.

As Google Photos For example, it saves the images from the mobile camera, linked to Google if it has an Android operating system, and also those received by WhatsApp, this is already a way to remove GB from free storage.

Something similar happens with emails received by Gmail. So, it is worth knowing this simple “trick” so as not to have to delete emails and keep the 15 GB that Google grants.

How to recover free storage in Gmail with this trick

The first tip appears in Google Support itself and consists of eliminating the emails that take up more space.

The free 15 GB covers email, Google Drive and Google Photos.

To find out what they are, you have to do a search within Gmail and then delete what takes up more than 15 MB, the oldest ones, those that have attached files and those from groups or company news that come from the same sender or have a standard affair.

Once these emails have been selected, you must click on Eliminate and then in Bin y Empty trash now to remove them forever from your Gmail. This elimination, as Google warns, is final and, therefore, the files are unrecoverable.

If deleting is difficult, because all emails are considered important, there is an alternative. A newspaper article The Vanguard says that “the first thing you have to do to expand your account storage for free is create a new account from Google to use it in Gmail.”

To do this you just have to open this link click on Create account and complete the data requested by the system.

Storage can be expanded by paying a subscription. But there is also a trick to continue using it for free.

After creating the new account, log in to the original Gmail account. Click on the gear wheel icon (located at the top right) and click on See all settings. In the settings panel click Forwarding y POP/IMAP mail. Then tap the button Add a forwarding address that appears at the top within the Forwarding section.

“On the next screen, enter the new email address and tap on the button Following. A screen will then appear confirming that a message has been sent. confirmation code to the new email, close it by clicking Accept“adds the article The Vanguard.

Then, “enter the inbox of said email enter the email that just arrived from the other account, click on the link indicated in it and click on the button Confirm”.

After completing these steps, You will start receiving all emails sent to the old Gmail account in the new account. This way, you can continue using the 15 GB of the original account to save files and photos to Google Drive and Google Photos.

By Editor

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