You did not specify your weight and height, so your BMI and degree of overweight cannot be determined. However, from what is described, you may be overweight, which affects your heart health. Typical symptoms are angina, shortness of breath, and difficulty breathing.

Excess fat increases pressure on the chest wall or pressure on the diaphragm, excess fat presses on the chest area. Shortness of breath is also a symptom of obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS). This is a disorder of ventilation that reduces oxygen levels while increasing carbon dioxide levels in the blood. If not treated promptly, the disease can lead to myocardial infarction.

The heart is sensitive to changes in body weight. The heart of an obese person often has to work harder to pump blood throughout the body, easily overloading, leading to permanent damage, making the heart work less effectively. Excess fat also increases pressure on the heart and blood vessels, changing the structure and functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Accumulated fat, especially visceral fat, puts pressure on blood vessel walls, increasing blood pressure. High blood pressure causes arrhythmia, a risk factor for many cardiovascular diseases.


InBody measurement to determine visceral fat. Illustration photo: Tam Anh General Hospital

One of the common manifestations of arrhythmia is chest pain. Because when the heart rate increases, the body needs more oxygen, leading to difficulty breathing. This is a common symptom in people who have sedentary habits and are overweight. Symptoms tend to get worse when participating in physical activities or overexertion. Patients may experience dizziness and fainting if their heart rate is too active.

Weight loss is one of the top goals for controlling arrhythmias. Maintaining a suitable body weight helps reduce pressure on the heart, thereby improving cardiovascular health. When you detect an abnormal heart rhythm, you need to see a weight loss and cardiologist specialist for an accurate examination and diagnosis of your health condition.

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