Stora Enso comments on the Hukkajoki environmental damage – “It is clear that our instructions have been acted against”

Forestry company Stora Enso commented on the environmental damage in Kainuu with a press release today.

The company’s forest machines crossed a river in Suomussalmi, where there is a deposit of highly endangered river pearl mussels. It is estimated that even thousands of river pearl mussels have died in Hukkajoki.

The police are investigating a suspected gross nature conservation crime in the events.

“This is a very serious matter and we are very sorry for what happened. The authorities and we have strict responsibility requirements and comprehensive guidelines for considering raw materials in wood harvesting. It is clear that actions have been taken against our instructions. What has happened now is completely against our values ​​and responsibility commitments,” says Stora Enso’s country manager for Finland Seppo Parvi in the bulletin.

Stora Enso says it is cooperating with the police and other authorities to find out what has happened at Hukkajoki.

“As a result of that and our own investigative work, the guidelines and operating methods will be specified so that in the future it can be ensured that they are known to everyone who participates in logging work in valuable natural areas,” the company says.

“It is our responsibility to ensure that this never happens again. We have made immediate tightening of our operating methods, regarding, for example, forest work planning, environmental training, instructions and information systems. The clarification of the situation and the police investigation are in progress, but it is clear that Stora Enso bears its responsibility in the case both environmentally and financially”, says Seppo Parvi.

Stora Enso supports the restoration work started on site by Metsähallitus both financially and materially. Stora Enso has also decided to participate in the LIFE Revives raw material protection program.

“Participating in the Raakun protection program won’t fix the damage that has already happened, but it’s the least we can do in this case.”

According to the company, as a result of the incident, monitoring of logging sites has been increased. This also applies to buffer zones.

By Editor

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