A train manager wishes customers a good trip or is happy with a trip without delay, a driver takes many selfies in front of the train and in the cabin, a technician tells how he goes about carrying out maintenance on TGV trains… On social networks , (TikTok, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram), railway workers talk about the daily life of their job. Among them, 68 act as “SNCF ambassadors”.

Real railway workers, from all professions, who have become influencers, constituting a form of digital army. This “ambassadorat” network, a widespread practice in companies wishing to be put forward by their own employees, is directly managed and led by the SNCF Group communications department. It was created in 2021. “We started from the simple observation that many railway workers were expressing themselves about their job and the company. We have brought together a few of them, to promote the professions of our group, encourage vocations and facilitate recruitment,” notes the group’s management.

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